Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spoonflower Shop Purchasing Goes Live!

My designs are now available for purchase through Spoonflower! I got the samplers to check out the prints, and I am really impressed with resolution, color accuracy, and overall quality. Really excellent work. Check it out!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Its Sunny Later but I Still Wake Up in the Dark

Some recent items:
Kingfisher. Pens on Frosted Mylar. Part of a project with translucent layering of illustrations. Shown here on brown kraft paper. March 2014

Working on teaching myself watercolor! Some more exploration spurred on by last month's adventures with Yellow Shafted Northern Flickers and technical illustration. 

This is actually a couple months old now. From the installation work I had in the Glass Box Gallery. I got a better resolution image, though. See my website for more pictures from the exhibit.

That's all for now! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Some Recent Explorations

Cheetah. India ink on 90lb paper. Illustration in March 2014

In progress Shadow Weave. Hoping to gesso the final weaving and cut it on the laser cutter! 20/2 weaving wool. Doing this guy on the 8 harness Macomber in the main studio so students can check out the weave structure.

A new application for my laser-cut designs: When done in microsuede, they become fanciful coasters. Here we can observe the coaster in action. Ping me if you want one. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cei on Spoonflower

My Spoonflower shop is up! Go check out my designs. Everything is currently in the proofing phase, but should be available for purchase in a month or so. Cei's Spoonflower Shop

Here are some sneak peeks of the deisngs:

Sunday, March 2, 2014


It's been a while since I've posted to the blog. Here are some images from recent (past six months) adventures. Some artwork, some photographs, some other things....

In progress box from my January/February 2014 Glass Box Gallery Show. See my website for more images of the finished installation.

Etch-a-Sketch Jackalope. Things that happen when I should be being productive.

Damien Hurst's work in the Chicago Art Institute. Went to the museum while in Chicago for the College Arts Association conference in February

Walked about fifteen miles the last day I was in Chicago. Found a snow sculpture show melting near Navy Pier

I recently discovered the technological wonder that is the laser cutter. I can take my drawings into Corel and make them bitmaps and....viola! I can cut out the drawings in wood. Hot diggity. 

While anxiously discussing a recent grad committee meeting and attempting to decipher what it is I am doing with my life I created a cheerio bird. Analysis and cheerio pictures go well together. 

Recent experimentation with laser cut wood pieces and light as wallpaper.

One of my 600+ textile designs. Hand drawings manipulated in Kaledo Print 64. Watermarked for safety. I'm considering building a website solely for my textile design work. 

Another design from a drawing.

About a year ago I helped my partner make this shadowbox history of maize for her dad's Christmas present. It ended up being very cool indeed.